Femdom (FemDom, formed from the words English. Female - female, English. Domination - domination) - a term indicating the dominant role of a woman over a man or another woman, mostly - in a sexual context. When a woman is dominated by it's very exciting. The dominant woman as a goddess during sex. She does everything he wants, and gets pleasure from it. Women are fond of power and domination. Femdom is very exciting, given to women, let him do whatever she likes, and you at that time just having fun. Femdom is not just sex, it's better.
Femdom (FemDom, formed from the words English. Female - female, English. Domination - domination) - a term indicating the dominant role of a woman over a man or another woman, mostly - in a sexual context. When a woman is dominated by it's very exciting. The dominant woman as a goddess during sex. She does everything he wants, and gets pleasure from it. Women are fond of power and domination. Femdom is very exciting, given to women, let him do whatever she likes, and you at that time just having fun. Femdom is not just sex, it's better.